As for several years POLYRESINE is present on annual maintenance stops of chemical sites everywhere in France 🤝
In March 2022 we have worked on LyondellBasell petrochemical site at Berre-L’Etang (13) for this “Big maintenance stop” 📅 which has required more than 4 000 people.
Considering our expertise in rotating machines maintenance and more specifically interfaces between foundations and machines, we have operated on electrical motor of extruder A1701 and on concrete of cooling tower.
In order to do that, we refected completely the bed of electric motor thanks to Chockfast® Red and chocked it after alignment. On tower side, 2 concrete blocks have been rebuilt with our Polyrep mortar.
Our 4 workers team 👷 permits of doing these 2 operations very quickly and allows LyondellBasell to finalize all the planified works in time allocated.