Polyresine and its team commit in renewable energies by taking part into spread project : Provence Grand Large

The project “Provence Grand Large” is an off-shore wind turbin project based on 45m-wings which is currently finalized at Fos-sur-Mer. As the wind farm leader in France, this enormous project will be commisionned during summer 2023 with installation of 3 turbins, in the sea, closed to Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône. With an investment of around 300 thousands of euros, the project is composed of 8,4MW, 174m height turbins. Which should finally produced electricity for 45 000 residents.
For this project, “EDF Renouvelables” sub-contracted a part of expertise to SBM Off-shore and Eiffage Metal, which sub-contracted again to POLYRESINE. As POLYRESINE is implemented closed to Fos-sur-Mer it guarantees a close contact on the construction site.
POLYRESINE has brought its “know-how” and the famous product Chockfast Orange in order to chock the parts. The great properties of this resin are advantages and the feedback confirms the safe choice made by customers.
POLYRESINE’s team worked during one week to train people for this specific application and guarantee a perfect reliable result.
That’s with emotions that POLYRESINE has participated to this major project which opens new possibility in renewable energies.